The Bear Blasters
![[⭐ Custom Bag of Holding.png|75]]
Magic Item
Custom made Bag of Holding created by [[Goodie πŸ’–]] for The Bear Blasters. The Custom Bag of Holding is a dark leather pouch with red drawstrings and gems at the end of each drawstring

Custom Bag of Holding ⭐


Type: Magic Item

Group: Wondrous item

Rarity: uncommon


⭐ Custom Bag of Holding.png


Custom made Bag of Holding created by Goodie πŸ’– for The Bear Blasters. The Custom Bag of Holding is a dark leather pouch with red drawstrings and gems at the end of each drawstring

Max encumbrance: 1000 lbs.
Internal dimensions: 4ft x 4ft
Restrictions: Items must be less than 100 lbs.