The Bear Blasters
The party investigates the strange "Missing" posters they encountered throughout town
The Hot Candle Inn
Industry Ward
The Great Black
TaniDancing FireAdelin
Completed βœ”

Session 3



The Hot Candle Inn, Industry Ward, The Great Black



Collect repaired crown and return to Tani. Investigate β€œMissing” posters


Missing posters around the city

Key Events 

  • Visit the address on the β€œMissing” poster while waiting for the crown to be repaired. Leads to a farm
  • The woman who answers says her husband hasn’t been home from work at the β€œShrugging Carpet πŸ„β€ Tannery in the Industry ward. The woman seems a bit off but believes she’s being honest. Mentions friends in Balor, Silda & Kracka
  • Sable Guards reveal that Adelin lives in the Ornate Ward, and works at High Hall 🏫
  • Upon retrieving the crown, we’re given a letter with an address in the Ornate Ward, where we greet Tani and are told we must present the crown to her mother, Amal 🐍
  • Amal 🐍 gives a completely different description of Adelin than the woman who greeted us.
  • Amal 🐍 also offers us a few jobs:
    • See to the trade issues on Kodal Road
    • Escort something to The Pale Valley
    • Investigate reports of animals going missing
  • Becky Smith joins the party at Amal πŸβ€™s request.
  • We head to High Hall 🏫 to find out more about Adelin, where we’re given the woman’s address in the Ornate Ward.
  • The real Adelin’s body is found with that of her husband in the bedroom of the home. Both had been stabbed repeatedly. There’s a β€œDear John” letter in the husband’s pocket, and a few bloody footprints nearby, but they don’t lead anywhere.
  • Guards arrive and we explain the situation. They retrieve the bodies.
  • We return to the farm to speak to β€œAdelin”, and find the woman confused and unsure. We decide to seek help for the woman
  • A quick look in the letterbox reveals that the young woman is most likely Aliyah Dusk, whose parents - Corin & Imogen - lost their lives in the war.
  • The psychiatric ward cleric Marie knows Aliyah well, and so we return to the farm again to collect her and get her the help she needs.
  • Head to The Hot Candle 🍺
  • 😴Long rest😴
  • Kindle πŸ”₯ hooks up with Dancing Fire
  • Return to the Ornate Ward to speak to Amal 🐍 about her job offers. She explains what she knows of Balor.
  • No jobs lead to Balor, but we decide to take the Trade Job and the Escort Job. Amal 🐍 points us to Iravek and Loravor 😑 respectively
  • We notice an increase in Donelle Family Guards around.
  • Loravor 😑 is difficult to get a read on. Wants his daughter - Fleur - escorted to The Pale Valley the next morning. Offers 125gp to complete the task.
  • Identifies the stick Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ found in the Jasper residence as the β€œStick of Obsession”
  • Iravek is unavailable, so an appointment is made for later in the day.


Crown returned to Tani.
β€œMissing” person issue rectified



New Leads

Iravek Mountainrunner - Trade Job
Loravor Krisk - Escort Job

Quest Status

Completed βœ”

To Do List