The Bear Blasters
The party encounters some Ettercaps and finds the goods they've been looking for
Kodal Road
Completed βœ”

Session 5



-, Kodal Road, Tolak


Iravek Mountainrunner - Trade Job
Loravor Krisk - Escort Job


Investigate trade issues on Kodal road
Escort Fleur Krisk


Goods missing on Kodal Road

Key Events 

  • (Day 4 on the road)
  • Discover a cart with a purple covering; follow tracks to a nearby cave.

Encounter 3 Ettercaps; discover that Fleur is a sorcerer with blue, dragon hands. πŸ”₯ Kindle takes the kill on all 3.


  • There’s a wall cobbled together with stone at the back of the room. We pull the wall down and enter the next section. Find the missing stock for Camp Lockheart and The Pale Valley.
  • There is another, square-shaped hole in the back of this section of the cave. Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ investigates and discovers there is most likely a Gelatinous Cube on the other side.
  • Party manages to remove the crates from the cave without drawing any attention from the cube.
  • Fleur reveals that her real name is Evangeline, she’s 16 years old and has glowing golden tattoos. Kindle πŸ”₯ has some kind of reaction (tingle) to seeing them.

She is tied up by hooded figures.

She has draconic hands that are red, and leathery wings.

A dark-skinned elven figure with scars speaks to her:

β€œEternal One, Zeiss, your deal with the Kingdom is over. We will take what we need”.

There is a large emerald present. (Zeiss is known to be an ancient Red Dragon)

  • (Day 5 on the road)
  • Pass by a horse and cart with a blonde man & woman.
  • See a light 5-6 hours away as darkness falls.

An illusory fire near the camp, and wakes Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ to view it with her.

They see a group of people around it wearing strange symbols and speaking in common.

A bright light soon engulfs the camp, and when Kindle investigates, there is nothing there except for a strange, perfectly circular gap in the stars above where the camp was.

The symbol can be described as a clock face showing midnight with a crescent moon and the sun conjoined in the centre, with a semi-circle of stars at the top


Retrieved the missing goods for Iravek.


Missing Goods from Kodal road

New Leads


Quest Status

Completed βœ”

To Do List

  • Investigate trade issues on Kodal Road
  • Collect reward for retrieving the missing trade goods (200gp and a carriage with horses)
  • Escort Evangeline to The Pale Valley