The Bear Blasters
The party helps Doven clear the silver mines
Completed βœ”

Session 12



-, The Pale Valley, Tolak




Clear the silver mines


People not returning from the silver mines

Key Events 

  • Plan to head to the mines after dinner
  • After a brief chat with Doven’s partner, Rayden, the party finds that gnolls can speak, but sren’t especially intelligent. He(?) seems to take an interest in Kindle πŸ”₯’s Deck of Illusions, while Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ tries to convince her to draw a card
  • Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ & Ridley 🦁 take some time to sow chaos by slightly moving everything in Doven’s lounge area. Rayden appears to move it back magically
  • The party heads down to the mines, encountering 2 destroyed carts and some bloody streaks early on. Ridley 🦁 discovers that the blood is around 3 weeks old, and that one of the 2 bodies was moved earlier than the other.
  • The party follows a shiny light down the left path and comes across some very clear water. 2x Azurite gems worth 10gp each, and 20gp is found in the water. Choosing to continue following the water, the group swims through a short tunnel to the other side.
  • Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ hears growling to the right, and the group follows the sound. The party encounters 3 gnolls, which are dispatched easily after one of them howls down the tunnel. Ridley 🦁 loots a longbow from one of the Gnolls.
  • Met with an ambush at the next cavern entrance, this group harder to deal with, but the party still prevails.
  • Party enters a crystal cavern and comes across a pile of clothes. Ridley 🦁 searches the pile and finds 150gp, 109sp, 334,cp, 5 Agates at 10gp each, 2 Jasper at 50gp each and a leatherbound spellbook containing 3 cantrips, 4 1st level spells and 3 second level spells.
  • After more searching, the party finds a makeshift door with chanting coming from behind it. Becky & Tabitha πŸ’€ translate the words

Pagatay we give you blood and sacrifice

  • The door is shoddy enough that Becky can peer through, where she sees 3 Gnolls and a Feng. The Feng is wearing a metal amulet with a scratch mark on it. There’s also a bonfire and a cart of bodies present in the chamber. The Feng appears to be stabbing corpses while chanting, causing the amulet to β€œbleed”
  • Ridley 🦁 blows the door open

Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ opens fire on the Feng. Combat is over in short order.


  • The Feng is found to have an ornate dagger worth 50gp, and Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ takes the amulet.
  • A symbol of 2 swords crossing over the image of a forge is found in the room as well
  • Head back to Doven’s to drink and rest.
  • When everyone else heads to bed, Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ heads back down to The Garnet Hand, where he looks for any information on the amulet, but finds nothing, He is handed an invitation to join a fight club of sorts that will be held in the town square the following night, and discovers that the spellbook Ridley 🦁 discovered earlier is worth 200gp.
  • 😴Long rest😴


Silver mines cleared of Gnolls


125gp (to be collected)
2 x Azurite @ 10gp ea
5 x Agate @ 10gp ea
2 x Jasper @ 50gp ea
Leatherbound spellbook worth 200gp
Ornate dagger @50gp
Gnoll amulet

New Leads

Fight Club at the Town Square

Quest Status

Completed βœ”

To Do List

  • Clear the silver mine"
  • Collect reward for retrieving the missing trade goods (200gp and a carriage with horses)
  • Alora’s Bitey Books - 250gp flat fee (to be discussed)
  • Find the herbs for the Priest at the Temple of Olo ☠
  • Investigate the hole next to the Temple of Olo ☠
  • Investigate the issues in The Great Black further
  • Investigate Twiggy 🌳 further