The Bear Blasters
Tournament winnings are split among the party. Investigation into Alora's Bitey books begins! The party gets their name from an elaborate and ultimately useless trap
The Pale Valley
In progress

Session 15



-, The Pale Valley, Tolak




None at present



Key Events 

  • The party reconvenes after the tournament to split the winnings, finding that the arrow fired at Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ is a standard arrow
  • Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ sees the shooter in the crowd and follows, but is met with a duplicate image. The party then returns to the tavern
  • 😴Long Rest😴
  • Head to Fact & Fiction πŸ“š bookshop while Ridley 🦁 purchases a net.
  • Alora had been injured by one of the books; there were 2 next to each other. They appear to come to life when someone gets within a certain distance (maybe 5ft.) Each party member takes a different aisle in the store and hunts down the Bitey Books
  • Ridley 🦁 finds a spellbook with the initials G.G. All the margins contain doodles.
  • No magic is detected in the bookshop, but Ridley 🦁 discovers a tunnel, which Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ investigates to find a lever which reveals an opening to the outside of the shop.
  • The tunnel is 3ft tall and wide and 60ft in length, there is no light if the doors are closed
  • Party travels to Doven’s blacksmith where they purchase 3 bear traps and have Doven weld them together. Doven also inscribes party initials on the trap. The total cost of the trap is 17gp (Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ, Ridley 🦁 & Tabitha πŸ’€ split the cost)
  • Party names the trap β€œThe Bear Blaster” and it seems the party is named the same
  • Trap set about halfway down the tunnel before the party takes up positions to watch the tunnel. (Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ is on a rooftop outside the tunnel entrance, the rest of the party is inside)
  • On the third night of watching, Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ spots a boy around 13 years old in blue & white pyjamas with a nightcap on his way to the tunnel entrance. The boy has white hair and a blue mark on his face.
  • The boy evades capture before eventually being caught in the net and revealing that he is called β€œThe Architect” and he just wants to play with his friends.
  • The party agrees to play β€œTruth” with the child. Ridley 🦁 detects unstable Celestial energy from the child.
  • The Truth Game involves asking each other questions. A lie is punished with a lightning strike, truths are rewarded with a point. The first to 3 points wins.
  • Alora acts as the Game Master to ensure everyone plays fairly. The party wins after asking The The Architect 3 questions. Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ asks if they can call The Architect β€œArchie” and he agrees.
  • After the game is over, Archie says β€œif you ever want to play again, look up at the moon and say I Want to Play a Game”
  • When the party goes outside, they look to the moon and see Archie’s face. Alora has a stiff drink and goes to bed, while the party collects The Bear Blaster and heads to the tavern for a
  • 😴Long Rest😴
  • There’s lots of talk about the moon in town the next day.
  • Tabitha πŸ’€ receives a scroll from Goodie πŸ’–:

β€œWhy do I have the feeling that you guys are the ones who fucked with the moon last night? Also, why??”

  • Alora rewards the party with 250gp, and then the party heads to the spa at the tavern, spending 3gp each on a spa treatment.
  • Ridley 🦁 collects the horse and cart, grabs a ribbon and gets a pendant engraved with a bear paw to make a collar for Becky’s cat
  • Goodie πŸ’– reveals that the moon’s name is Atlas, and that he will likely show up to annoy someone again, and that the easiest way to get rid of him is to play tag with him
  • Elowyn’s Grove does contain a witch, with a demon named Croni. There are Assassin Vines. It might be a good plan to beat the protectors of the forest, and then speak with Elowyn about the plants we need.




New Leads

Milk Thistle - pale green stem with white thorns
Ginseng - purple and orange flower (if it has yellow dots it is poionous)
Valerian - thick root, both light and dark greens
All can be found in β€œswampy” areas
Name on the cover of the plant book is Raylana V
A witch and Croni the demon can be found at the grove
Shambling Mounds may be present. They are massive and known to eat people: generally, unpleasant

Quest Status

In progress

To Do List

  • Medicinal Herbs for the priest of Olo ☠ - day & a Β½ travel to the South East, guarded by vines, most likely pro bono