The Bear Blasters
The party returns to The Great Black to try to make contact with Amal. We go a'visiting at Becky's house
The Great Black

Session 19



-, The Great Black, Tolak




See wtf is up with Amal 🐍


Amal 🐍 taking over The Great Black

Key Events 

  • Arrive in The Great Black and head to Becky’s place. Ridley 🦁 steals her diary and carves his name into her bedhead. The party cases the office and Ridley 🦁 finds a list of Noble signatures which he memorises for later use.
  • A box was found containing a coin bearing an image of a demon engulfed in flames
  • Becky’s birth certificate is found in a filing cabinet. It states that she is a β€œdemon type” and her father is not on the certificate
  • Some suspiciously cult-y robes are discovered
  • A Diary is found under a bed and it contains a lot of cult-y references. β€œGregory” is a handler sent by the cult to be a guardian for Becky. The cult is known as the Cult of the Yellow Flame
  • Becky just appeared, but no one knows for sure what she is
  • Something under the house is linked to the coin image
  • Goodie πŸ’– says the cult work throughout The Great Black, usually utilising the underground
  • Twiggy 🌳 is in a pot and Goodie πŸ’– is concerned about that. Party hands the vial of water from Camp Lockheart to Goodie πŸ’–
  • There was no line entering The Great Black - which is highly unusual. There’s not been much movement for the last 2 days
  • There are war machines trying to enter Tolak from Balor
  • Evangeline’s father is on trial for his crimes. The party heads to the courthouse to offer support to her during this time
  • There are almost no guards in The Great Black, and those that are around are dressed in all black


Returned to The Great Black, discovered signs of a cult


1 x Fine Clothes
2 x cultist robes

New Leads

Cult of the Yellow Flame
Demonic imagery

Quest Status


To Do List