The Bear Blasters
The party tracks some hungry children and returns them to Silda. A map is commissioned
The docks
Completed βœ”

Session 26



The docks, Balor, Tolak




Retrieve the stolen goods for Captain Bellows


Missing shipment

Key Events 

  • Upon returning to the docks, the party hears yelling from between two boats. The Captains of an elegant ship and a really ratty looking one are yelling at each other over the pier about stolen goods
  • The Captain of the ratty ship (something Squall) is a black Tabaxi named Burden of Chains
  • The Captain of the fancy ship (Royal Flush) is an elf
  • The party intervenes and investigates the Squall for clues, finding a pink stuffed bunny and 3 sets of very small footprints.
  • Following the footprints, Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ, Marralee 😈 and Ridley 🦁 track the children to an alley, where some crates hide a hole in the wall that Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ crawls into
  • They leave 6 rations for the kids with a note to meet us
  • In the meantime, Kindle πŸ”₯ & Tabitha πŸ’€ spot a child put a sign up on a post before completely disappearing
  • The party heads to the address on the poster the child put up - which is different to the address where the rations were left - where we discover 3 children:
    • Elroy, 12 year old boy
    • Colleen, 8 year old girl
    • Beatrice, 3 year old girl
  • They have been alone for several months since their parents were taken for the war effort
  • Elroy has been taking care of his sisters, but they finally ran out of food and couldn't figure out how to get to Silda's for help
  • After some convincing, the party coaxes the children into apologising to Burden of Chains and returning his missing fruit
  • Burden then assists in loading his cannons with fruit, which is then fired at the side of the Royal Flush
  • The party takes the children to Silda, who thanks them. Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ promises further assistance with the children's safety if necessary
  • Collect 150gp for returning the paintings to Chromey Homie
  • The fog that rolls in at night is described as "trippy". Accounts tell of victims feeling like the buildings weren't where they expected. (Maybe past memories?)
  • The party visits Wharf Master Gregory, a blonde gnome with a green cloak that is far too big.
  • Gregory shows us a small pyramid poking through the top of the sea and surrounded by a dark patch of water, about 4042 ft. North, slightly East
  • The fog comes out through the water
  • Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ steals: Dolphin statue @ 50gp
  • The party commissions a map of Tolak, which should take 5-6 days
Some notes I can't decipher???

"Sunset + 1 minute until sunrise"

Fuckin whut???


Children taken to Silda for future care


Dolphin statue @ 50gp (Miraren)

New Leads

Pyramid at sea
Fog victims feel like the buildings weren't where they expected

Quest Status

Completed βœ”

To Do List