The Bear Blasters
The party arrives in the town of Suda in Alabi. Pies are eaten
In progress

Session 28



-, Suda, Alabi


Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ


Investigate Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ's past


Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ vaguely remembers the dark sky of Alabi

Key Events 

  • Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ's ship speeds up before stopping in a chamber.
  • The ocean and its inhabitants are suspended 1,000 ft. above us
  • Suda is a bustling, jovial town that appears to be preparing for a festival. There are fireflies everywhere and a dull light at the back of the town
  • Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ mentions there being a Dragon Turtle in the Western regions of Alabi
  • Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ's ship is The Golden Girl
  • The people of Suda are relaxed, but cautious around people. It is suggested that we don't mention the war
  • Queen Odael is very kind and ensures the people of Alabi are content - no homelessness, and the streets are clean
  • Suda seems to be populated mainly by Tieflings, Duergar and Deep Gnomes
  • Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ presents the party with a badge each. It's a gold rectangle with a star in the middle, a chain hanging from the bottom, and another smaller skull with a star to the side
  • There is a pit in the Southeast of Alabi containing a beautiful city. It's Mind Flayers and Intellect Devourers...
  • Marius is the leader of Suda
  • Warned that Undercommon is a main language here, look out for words like "Death" and "Kill them" (Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ tells us what those words are in Undercommon)
  • There is a large willow tree in the center of town that has no leaves, but has a green glow emanating from its center
  • Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ leads the party to a huge grey marble building at the back of the town, where we meet a purple cyclops and his Mezzoloth companion, Amon.
  • Marius knows Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ as a sailor and nothing more, but has known her for 100 years. (Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ was discovered at Balor 50 years ago)
  • Ridley 🦁 messages Belzen to arrange a meeting to speak about the prism
  • The festival the party is preparing for is the Festival of the Willow. It happens once every 10 years, when the willow tree blooms
  • The party ends up at Bitterfrost Bar 🍺, which is run by Isla
  • Metes & Bounds 🌍 is the local cartographer, Knitwit πŸ›’ is the local General Store, Stormy Windmill πŸͺ“ is a carpenter
  • The party wanders around Suda, visiting various places and familiarising themselves with the layout.
  • Metes & Bounds 🌍 is organised chaos. The shop-keep, Glide, is a Deep Gnome with braided hair and robes that are waaaaaaayyyyyyy too big
  • A map of Alabi is purchased for 5gp. The party requests Glide marks the mushroom forests and the Mind Flayer city on the map for them
  • Ridley 🦁 purchases Cartographer's Tools
  • Glide tells us about a soul-sucking mist in the cursed forest, and warns us about the pies at the festival's pie eating contest
  • Knitwit πŸ›’ is run by a Duergar called "Dul'ma" - I didn't note any purchases
  • The party visits Stormy Windmill πŸͺ“ carpenter, where we pay 50gp each to swap our current cart to one that is more suited for Alabi's climate
  • We visit the bookshop Mark My Words πŸ“š to purchase some books on Undercommon (10gp)
  • We're pushed out of the store as the Festival of the Willow begins - around 6pm in-game
  • The party takes on the pie eating contest, which Ridley 🦁 wins
  • Miraren πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ speaks to some members of The Garnet Hand, discovers that there are 3 of the prisms Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ remembers.
    • One is located in the Queen's chambers
    • Another is in the Capital with Sedvioth Crofkeve πŸ§₯ "Beloth" (who is the leader of The Garnet Hand!!!!!)
    • The last was either lost at sea or is in transit somewhere


The party reaches Alabi and has some fun at the Festival of the Willow


55gp (Ridley 🦁)

New Leads

Sedvioth Crofkeve πŸ§₯ is in the Capital
There are 3 of the prisms Celia πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ found

Quest Status

In progress

To Do List