Kindle envisions herself as someone named Navel

You are in a room full of people smiling and chatting away.

You look into the crowd and find a familiar face to you. The person nods and seems to faze into the crowd.

You can barely see them as they point to a person and you nod walking over and saying β€œHello dear friend how are you doing this evening”

The woman responds β€œNavel, darling your party is emasculate as usual”

Navel responds β€œThank you dear well please have a drink and dance the night away”

You feel yourself smile as you spin the woman as she laughs and smiles trying to right herself again.

You smile back at her and look down to see the hooded figure reaching into her pockets and take some jewellery. β€œI must be off darling but I will see you soon”

She smiles and giggles, heading off as you pat the figure on the shoulder. β€œGreat work Marius”

You shake hands as the floor begins to shake violently and the wooden beams in the room begin to crack and bend as the roof caves in.

You look up to see a sharp bit of debris heading straight for you.

You try and run but you feel a sharp pain in the back of your head as you black out